This integrated 10 panel drug test cup is designed to eliminate the need for handling of the urine in the drug screening procedure. The collector only has to turn the key to activate the drug test cup, thus eliminating drug screening donor manipulations. A sticker label on an integrated multi drug test kit cup hides test result from those who do not need to view results. All cups come with a built in temperature strip. Ideal temperature for fresh urine is 90 to 100 degrees. Cups are available with and without built-in Adulterants. This checks to see if the donor is trying to mask or tamper with their urine.
Have donor produce urine specimen into cup – Turn key to release urine into testing region. Peel back sticker to view results.
NEGATIVE: Two lines appear. A line in the Control region C and a line in the Test region T. Shades vary; the result should be considered a negative whenever there is even a faint line.
POSITIVE: A line appears in the Control region C but NO line appears in the Test region T.
INVALID: No line appears in the Control region C.