Gonorrhea / Chlamydia Test
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Gonorrhea / Chlamydia Test
This single test to help diagnose both gonorrhea and chlamydia....
Hair Follicle – Legally Admissible Kit
This test is Court admissible in all 50 states. Guaranteed....
Single Panel Drug Test Dip Card : (Box of 25)
CLIA Waived drug tests are defined as simple laboratory procedures...
10 Panel Multi Drug Test Card : 25 Units per Box
Our dip cards virtually eliminate all contact with urine and...
10 Panel Drug Test Cassette (CLIA Waived) : (Full Box)
CLIA Waived drug tests are defined as simple laboratory procedures...
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Can fentanyl use lead to addiction?
Yes. Fentanyl is addictive because of its potency. A person taking prescription fentanyl as instructed by a doctor can experience dependence, which is characterized by withdrawal symptoms when the drug...

Illicitly-made fentanyl use is on the rise
Overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids other than methadone, which includes fentanyl, increased almost 47% from 2016 to 2017. Roughly 28,400 people died from overdoses involving synthetic opioids other than methadone...

DEA Scheduling of Kratom
Kratom was on the DEA’s list of drugs and chemicals of concern for several years.

Is kratom addictive?
Like other drugs with opioid-like effects, kratom might cause dependence, which means users will feel physical withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking the drug. Some users have reported becoming addicted...

Alcohol (ETG)
Alcohol is an organic compound that appears in a variety of forms. The ingestible form, for both legitimate and abuse purposes, is ethanol. It is and has been historically used...

Amphetamines (AMP)
Amphetamine (alpha-methylphenathylamine) is powerful central nervous system (CNS) stimulant used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy.

Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids are drugs that have an effect similar to testosterone in the body, increasing muscle mass and blocking the effects of stress hormones which can break down muscle tissue.

Barbiturates (BAR)
Barbiturates are central nervous system (CNS) depressants with a wide range of effects and uses: mild sedation to total anesthesia, hypnotics, anticonvulsants (epilepsy), migraine treatment (in fioricet), capital punishment, and...

Buprenorphine (BUP)
Because of its low opiate effect, buprenorphine has a lower potential for abuse than other opioid drugs, but it can still be abused through crushing of tablets for snorting or...

Cocaine (COC)
Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) is a crystalline alkaloid drug obtained from the leaves of the coca plant, native to South America, where the leaves are chewed as a mild stimulant.

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid analgesic with a rapid onset and short duration of action. It can also be used in combination with benzodiazepines as an anesthetic.

Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB)
GHB is abused as an intoxicant, often in the club, rave and party scene, to produce euphoria and sociability. Small doses can act as a stimulant and aphrodisiac. It is...

K2 and Spice are common street names for synthetic marijuana, produced by combining artificial cannabinoids with traditionally used medicinal herbs and other legal substances.

Ketamine (KET)
Ketamine is an anesthetic drug used in human and veterinary medicine, primarily for general anesthesia, although it is sometimes used as a sedative for seriously injured patients and as a...

Marijuana (THC)
Marijuana is a preparation of the cannabis plant for use as a psychoactive drug and as medicine. The principal psychoactive constituent of marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of hundreds of...

Methadone (MTD)
Methadone is a synthetic opioid used for pain and to treat addiction in patients with opioid dependence. It is chemically closely related to heroin and morphine and has many of...

Methamphetamine (MET)
Methamphetamine is psychostimulant in the amphetamine class. It has medical uses in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obesity. It has a high potential for abuse and...

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
MDMA is synthesized drug in the amphetamine class. It is classed as an empathogenic drug, meaning it produces emotional and social effects that tend to increase a sense of intimacy...

Opiate (OPI)
While opiate and opioid are often used interchangeably, true opiates are a group of opioid drugs found only in the poppy plant: morphine (and its derivative, heroin), codeine and thebaine.

Oxycodone (OXY)
Oxycodone, first developed almost a century ago, is a powerful opioid analgesic with serious addictive potential.

Phencyclidine (PCP)
Phencyclidine is a recreational drug that was marketed in the 1950s as an anesthetic pharmaceutical drug. It was taken off the market due to its dissociative hallucinogenic side effects.

Tramadol (TRM)
Tramadol is an synthetic opioid analgesic with some antidepressant effects. It is used to treat moderate to moderate-severe pain. It is used and metabolized in the body similarly to codeine.

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA)
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are a very large class of antidepressant drugs. A small sampling includes: amitriptyline (Elavil) amitriptylinoxide (Ambivalon) amoxapine (Asendin)

Overdose Deaths Involving Synthetic Opioids
According to the CDC, death rates involving synthetic opioids (other than methadone), which include drugs such as tramadol and fentanyl. In 2017, more than 28,000 deaths involving synthetic opioids (other...

What is Fentanyl?
Fentanyl is a synthetic (man-made) opioid 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. There are two types of fentanyl: Pharmaceutical fentanyl is primarily prescribed...

Drug Testing for Methamphetamine
Methamphetamine drug testing entails an analysis of the chemical reaction performed on a biological specimen to detect the presence of methamphetamine metabolites in the person’s body. It can be done...

Is medical marijuana safe?
Although some marijuana derivatives have been approved for use in chemo-induced nausea and epilepsy treatments,1 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not widely approved marijuana as a safe and effective...

How do people use fentanyl?
When prescribed by a doctor, fentanyl can be given as a shot, a patch that is put on a person’s skin, or as lozenges that are sucked like cough drops.2...

How long are drugs in one’s system?
Drugs have certain “detection windows”—the amount of time after ingestion during which evidence of their use can be detected by a drug test. Though it might not be wise to...

What drugs do tests detect?
Testing conducted according to SAMHSA’s guidelines checks for five illicit drugs plus, in some cases, alcohol (ethanol, ethyl alcohol, booze). These five illicit drugs are: Amphetamines (meth, speed, crank, ecstasy)...

How does a drug test determine if a person has been using substances?
Aside from a breath alcohol test, drug testing does not determine impairment or current drug use. Rather, drug testing determines a specified amount or presence of a drug or its...

Drug Testing in the Workplace
How important is it to Drug Test? For a lot of people the answer is very easy but in reality there is a complex issue that affects companies and their...

How long will Marijuana show in a drug test?
Marijuana is a oil based drug which will make it more detectable since is not water soluble and will allocate in the fat cells of the body. It is hard...

Drug Abbreviations
Drug testing kits often use an abbreviated drug name rather than listing it in full. This is because space on product packaging and labeling is limited, and listing the full...